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David Yambio

David Yambio


David Yambio is a community advocate, human rights defender and spokesperson of Refugees in Libya. Born in 1997 during Sudan's civil unrest, he faced displacement and educational deprivation. He was forcibly recruited as a child soldier by the LRA in 2009-2010 and endured multiple conflicts in Africa including forced conscription in his country. David fled his country in 2016 and embarked on a perilous journey through several African countries, enduring torture, exploitation, and detentions.

He faced several rejections and pushbacks from the European borders back to Libya where he was enslaved and incarcerated.
After engaging with international organizations like UNHCR and IOM, David's advocacy work gained momentum in Libya, where he faced adversity for speaking out against human rights violations.

In 2021, he cofounded "Refugees in Libya," striving for policy changes and raising awareness about refugee struggles.

In 2022 he led a massive campaign against the UNHCR in Geneva titled “UNFAIR THE UN REFUSAL AGENCY” this led to the release of several arbitrarily detained refugees and rights defenders in Libya.

In June 2023 he led another political campaign against the European Union in Brussels under the banner “FROM TRIPOLI TO BRUSSELS AMPLIFYING THE VOICES OF REFUGEES IN LIBYA” His activism led to the release of 221 human rights defenders and he now works for their relocation to safer countries. He was a fellow of Allianz Foundation from February 2023 - June 2024. And is currently a Global Fellow on International Crimes and Accountability with European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR)
He is an advocate for the Pact for Equality which is supported by Avocats Sans Frontieres and European Alternatives.
He is a current Forum Member of European Philanthropic Initiatives for Migration (EPIM)

Lists of publications & the work of Refugees in Libya:

                                         Al Jazeera 
  1. ‘Point of no return’: Refugees in Libya long for safety | Migration News | Al Jazeera
  2. Asylum seekers take to the UN to reclaim inalienable human rights | United Nations News | Al Jazeera
  4. Libyan militias ‘making a killing’ off kidnapping refugees for ransom
  5. Dozens of migrants camp outside UN facility in Libya
  6. Will migration determine the outcome of Italy's snap elections? | Inside Story 

                          Mixed Publications
  1. David Yambio - Refugee Human Rights Defender
  2. Refugees in Libya
  3. HRC 52: Refugees in Libya demand justice and accountability for crimes committed in Libya | ISHR
  4. Human rights defender’s story: David Yambio, from South Sudan | ISHR
  5. Human rights defender's story: David Yambio, from South Sudan
  6. Migration “Action Days” – defending fundamental rights – The Left
  7. Black migrants in Europe: law enforcement, identity, and politics | UNARC - Antiracism Coalition
  8. ‘The EU must be held accountable for the crimes it has committed against people trying to reach its borders’ – The Civil Fleet
  9. David Yambio at the European Parliament on a Roundtable discussion on the new Migration/Asylum Pack
  10. Yambio David meets Antonio Tajani the Italian foreign minister
  11. Pressemitteilung, 26.01.2022 - Libysche Flüchtlings-Sprecher in Lebensgefahr: Bundesregierung muss Schutz bieten - medico international
  12. RefugeesinLibya: Ein ungehörter Massenprotest - Migration Control
  13. L'attivista Yambio: "Non mi sentirò al sicuro finché si torturano migranti in Libia" -
  14. Testimonianza di David Yambio – Liceo Classico Statale Paolo Sarpi
  15. David Yambio Archivi - CGIL Modena
  16. “Fati e Marie non sono morte nei nostri cuori. Manifestiamo per loro insieme”. Appello di David Yambio, portavoce di Refugees in Lybia - Focus On Africa -
  17. Supporting Human Rights Defenders | What We Do | ISHR
  18. EU External Partners: EU Continues its Co-operation with Repressive Regimes ‘to reduce irregular migration’ ― Commission Refuses to Release Information on its ‘Do No Harm’ Policy in Libya ― Parliament Calls for Unconditional Ceasefire in Gaza and Commission Releases Further Funding to Palestinian Refugees | European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE)
  19. L'altra versione: l'auto racconto migrante. Il caso Refugees in Libya - IrpiMedia
  20. Evacuate Human Rights Defenders from Libya!
  21. Aktionstage in Genf: «Das UNHCR gibt sich besorgt – alles Lügen» | WOZ Die Wochenzeitung
  22. David Yambio - Truth and Independance
  23. David Yambio: “EU policy is killing us” -
  24. Author: Yambio David - Make it Plain
  25. Rome: Freedom of Movement Solidarity Network for migrants launched - InfoMigrants
  26. Asylum seekers released from Ain Zara detention center in Libya after 18-month detainment - InfoMigrants
  27. Libye : les autorités évacuent violemment les centaines d'exilés installés devant les locaux du HCR - InfoMigrants
  28. Tripoli, polizia e milizie attaccano i rifugiati. Centinaia gli arresti | il manifesto
  29. David Yambio: «Il memorandum di intesa con la Libia è un atto di terrorismo
  30. David Yambio und der weite Weg nach Genf
  31. Libia, i 99 giorni di lotta dei dimenticati dal mondo | il manifesto
  32. Gli orrori dei lager libici e il coraggio di David
  33. AYS Special from Libya: Protests in Tripoli against a system made “to cause suffering” | by Are You Syrious?
  34. ‘They came for us in the middle of the night’ – The Civil Fleet
  35. "Es waren nicht einfach namenlose Körper"
  40. Immaginare nuovi passaggi sicuri dalla Libia: un convegno a Roma - L'Osservatore Romano
  41. Immaginare nuovi passaggi sicuri dalla Libia, le voci dei rifugiati - Vatican News
  44. David Yambio, le « survivant » sud-soudanais qui alerte sur le sort des migrants en Libye
  45. Meet the Allianz Foundation Fellows 2023-2024


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