📅 Bologna | 26 - 27 January 2024
Human Rights Defenders from Libya!
We invite you to discuss possibilities of evacuation, solidarity on the routes,
documentation, protection and legal litigation.
We, Refugees in Libya, protested for 100 days in front of the UNHCR in Tripoli, Libya. On the 10th of January 2022, our protest was brutally dismantled: Hundreds of our comrades and refugee activists were arbitrarily detained in the Ain Zara detention center as a punishment for their defense of human rights. In July 2023, after 18 months of torture and forced work, 221 comrades were released from prison and most of them are still and again in Tripoli facing destitution, lack of medical care and the constant risk of arbitrary detention and physical violence.
Together with the Network Alliance with Refugees in Libya (ARiL), we now launch a tour through different european cities with several events to make visible the situation in Libya and recognize the dedication of our comrades as human rights defenders.
We demand their immediate
evacuation to safe countries to ensure their physical and psychological wellbeing. The two days event in Bologna will be the starting point for this transnational mobilization.
Fri, 26.01.
Press Conference
10:30-11:30 am (CET)
@Sala Savonuzzi, Palazzo d'Accursio
Public launch of the campaign for the Immediate evacuation of 221
Human Rights Defenders from
David Yambio (Refugees in Libya)
Naeima Hussein (Refugees in Libya)
Matteo Lepore (Mayor of Bologna)
A member of the catholic church
Vanessa Guidi (Mediterranea Saving Humans)
moderated by:
Giulia Sezzi (Ya Basta! Bologna)
Fri, 26.01.
Semipublic Workshop
02:00-05:00 pm (CET)
@Municipio Sociale di Làbas
tool for supporting and monitoring the living conditions of people on the move in Libya and the North African region.
with possible participation of relevant people.
Refugees in Libya, Investigative Journalists, Researchers.
Fri, 26.01.
Public Assembly
06:30-08:30 pm (CET)
@Municipio Sociale di Làbas
We will discuss political strategies for claiming protection and evacuation, denouncing illegal practices exercised by European authorities and the organizing of safe passages from Libya to Europe.
Refugees in Libya, Investigative Journalists, Researchers, Liminal, Sea rescue Organizations, Welcoming Cities Europe
testimonies on the struggle of migrants in Libya and across the maritime border of Europe.
Sat, 27.01.
10:00-12:30 pm (CET)
@Municipio Sociale di Làbas
Investigations and Strategic litigation.
how to move from documenting
through investigative and
archiving tools to denouncing
through legal litigation.
J&L Project, ASGI, Progetto Sciabica, Liminal,
Sat, 27.01.
02:00-04:00 pm (CET)
@Municipio Sociale di Làbas
From Sea to the Cities:
Humanitarian corridors, solidarity on the routes and the perspectives of safe passages to sanctuary cities in Europe.
the networks From Sea to City, Alarm Phone, Rebbio Network, Baobab Experience.
Sat, 27.01.
04:30-06:30 pm (CET)
@Municipio Sociale di Làbas
Mobile Exhibition:
Stories and concepts of a tour of events and a developing exhibition through various cities in Europe.
Refugees in Libya & the Alliance with Refugees in Libya
Sat, 27.01.
04:30-06:30 pm (CET)
@Municipio Sociale di Làbas
Mediterranean Struggles:
Interconnections of the struggles of migrants in other North African countries.
inputs on experiences in Tunisia and Egypt, from OnBorder Oulx and others
Sat, 27.01.
07:00-09:00 pm (CET)
@Municipio Sociale di Làbas
»Solo di passaggio«
Libya, 2021, 50' AR with IT Subtitles
Documentary on the situation of migrants in Libya. Produced by:
Observatory on Gender in Crisis
the presence of a representative of the Observatory of Gender in Crisis Situations, Al Marsed (Tripoli, Libya).
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